Petrographics has finally became registered in the Marine acquisition after signing the agreement with Marine Arctic Geological Exploration (MAGE) in the field of 2D / 3D Marine Acquisition and Integrated Engineering surveys.

Data Management/ Composite Well Log Generation

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Petrographics has considerable experience in developing Flexible Composite Log design - creating almost any format according to Client needs.
   • Create up to 15 tracks, with up to 10 data types in each track
   • Composite can include any of the following;
      o Logs (Wireline, LWD, Mudlog, Petrophysics, User-defined)
      o Complete Log line style control
      o Full shading options (gradient, shade to another log, etc.)
      o Petrophysics Total Formation and Moveable/Immovable HC's
      o Lithology (Mudlog, User-defined, Petrophysics-derived)
      o Grids and Depths in any/all Domains
      o Shows (Cuttings, Cores, SWC) - simple symbols or detailed descriptions
      o Tests and FIT's
      o Dip Meter Data (sticks to any orientation, tadpoles, rose diagrams over any interval)
      o Sample Descriptions
      o Horizons/Zonation - simple or detailed columnar format
      o Core Lithology and/or Lab data (Conventional and SWC)
      o User Comments
      o Full Raster Log image integration and Log Depth Referencing
   • Flexible track, data attribute, and accessory options
   • Complete control over Vertical Scale and Track widths.
   • Create Unique Header Templates that can include Logos, Maps, etc.
   • Output to Plotters and many file formats (CGM,TIF, JPG, BMP, PDF, etc)